sexta, 13 outubro 2023

Regulation of the activity of Travel and Tourism Agencies in Portugal.


The regime of access and exercise of the activity of travel and tourism agencies was approved by Decree-Law 17/2018, of 8th March, transposing for the Portuguese legal system the Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of the Parliament and of the Council.

Registration at Turismo de Portugal, I.P., requires the submission of the following documents:

a) Certificate of Commercial Register (Certidão do Registo Comercial).

b) Declaration of commencement of activity before the Portuguese Tax Authorities (Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira).

c) Indication of the name adopted for the agency and the trademarks which intends to use, with the identification of the registration number at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) or similar European entity (EUIPO), or presentation of the document accrediting the authorisation of the use of the trademark, issued by the entity that owns it.

d) A civil liability insurance policy for a minimum value of 75,000 euros, and receipt proving payment of the corresponding premium or down payment, or proof of the subscription of another equivalent financial guarantee.

e) Document proving the initial subscription to the Travel and Tourism Guarantee Fund (Fundo de Garantia de Viagens e Turismo) for an amount of 2,500 euros or the constitution of an equivalent guarantee in another Member State of the European Union or of the European Economic Area.

f) Proof of payment of the fee for registration in the National Register of Travel and Tourism Agencies (Registo Nacional das Agências de Viagens e Turismo) to be paid once it has been verified that the application has been correctly submitted.

g) Upon registration the company receives a registration number from Turismo de Portugal, I.P. and will be authorised to legally exercise its activity in Portugal.

Belzuz Abogados, S.L.P. – Branch Office in Portugal has extensive experience in Travel & Leisure & Hospitality and is at your disposal to provide legal advice in Portugal.


 Telma Moreno Nunes Telma Moreno Nunes

Departamento Direito Comercial e Societário | (Portugal)


Belzuz Advogados SLP

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